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Tojinbo, a series of basaltic cliffs on the Sea of Japan

Tojinbo cliff shows us the natural and beautiful landscape,

I heard about this giant geological formation for the first time in one of my geography lessons at school. Since then, I had this deep subconscious desire to pay a visit to Tojinbo. The rocky cliffs of Tojinbo were naturally carved out centuries ago due to volcanic activity. Eventually, the rocks reformed into its present state from years of erosion. These cliffs are a unique creation of nature that can only be found in three other places in the world. These cliffs stretch over a kilometer, and was named after a monk who faced death by falling off the cliffs.

Tojinbo cliff looks so rocky

Visitors can explore these cliffs without any particular restrictions except to maintain a safe distance along the marked areas. There are various trails marked for the visitors along this rocky embankment, which I followed to explore these cliffs safely. I also took a 30 minute boat ride around the cliffs to appreciate the beauty of these wonders of nature, which was a breathtaking experience. The area has a moderately big parking lot that has many restaurants nearby which serve fresh crabs and other local sea food. I also found the souvenir shops very interesting and bought back a souvenir for my friend. The highest cliff is about 55 meters tall and from there has a beautiful view of the entire area.

To see Tojinbo's beauty, you can also take ferry.


Views from the Tojinbo cliff

View from the cliffs

Rocky mountains at Tojinbo cliff in Fukui prefecture

Rocky mountains

Tojinbo Cliff: How to get there

There are three ways by which you can access Tojinbo cliffs.


The most convenient way to get to the place is by car. There are many rental car shops near Fukui station. I would recommend you to take a car so that you can have easy access to all the surrounding areas of Fukui. In Fukui parking is not as expensive as Tokyo, so renting a car can be a bit more affordable. It is a 45min drive to the cliffs from the Fukui station, and parking should not be a problem as there are many parking lots around this area.

Echizen Railway:

The Echizen railway line to the Mukiniminatio Station from Fukui is also a good way to access Tojinbo. A bus from Mikuniminato station to Tojinbo takes about 5 minutes and around 190 yen. These buses operate hourly.

Awara Onsen:

Tojinbo is 40 minutes from this station. There are buses available to the Tojinbo station hourly. It takes about 40 minutes from this station, and the fare is 750 yen per head. A ride in the JR train line from the Fukui station connects the Awara Onsen station.

Tojinbo cliff and Sea of Japan

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Meghalee Goswami

Meghalee Goswami

Hey everyone! I am a passion driver traveler and a lazy moody writer. I hope I can bring my travel experiences of Japan to you and spark the light of connection between us.

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