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It is not very well known, but in Japan there is an original type of accommodation called “noupaku” (農泊), a private residence temporarily hosting lodgers. It is a perfect way to live like the Japanese in a Japanese family for just a few days. In Izumi, six hosts, all farmers, open their doors and allow you to experience the daily life of a farmer! You can check the profile of each farmer in detail on Izumi City website (in English).

My experience of Nouhaku(農泊)

I stayed for two days at the Tanaka’s, who are organic green tea producers. Their farm is located in the middle of the mountains around Izumi, in a little hamlet called Okawauchi. In the afternoon of the first day, Mr. Tanaka came to pick me with his car at Izumi station. It took us thirty minutes to reach his farm.

He speaks a little English and I know a bit of Japanese (if you do not know any, Google translate can help you a lot) so we were able to talk. It was an interesting conversation!

organic green tea plantation

Day 1

Homemade cooking

When we arrived at the farm, it was raining. Mrs. Tanaka welcomed us with a cup of their delicious green tea. She then took me to the kitchen to show me all of the vegetables she grows in her garden. We picked-up some of those vegetables to cook as tempuras to complete the nice dinner she had already prepared.

Cooking in a farmer's inn

So many dishes !

Once the table was set, it looked like a huge feast! See for yourself in the photo below!

tempura dinner at farmer's inn

Night-time exploration

After dinner, Mr. Tanaka took me on a ride to observe deers, which live in the mountains nearby and show-up only at night. With two powerful torches, we saw over tens of deer families. Their eyes bright in the darkness, it is really impressive!

Japanese bath

Back home, Mrs. Tanaka asked me if I wanted to take a Japanese bath ofuro (お風呂) to warm up. I accepted with pleasure and I think I spent almost one hour relaxing in the hot water!

Sleeping on a futon

After the bath, I went to the guest room. I set up the futon on the tatami mats and I slipped under the covers for a good night of sleep!

my stay at farmer's house

Day 2


In the morning, Mrs. Tanaka had prepared a gigantic breakfast! All the dishes were extremely fresh and delicious!

breakfast set at farmer's house in Izumi

Genmaicha tea making

Then, I followed Mr Tanaka in the garden to help him make genmaicha (玄米茶), Japanese green tea mixed with brown rice kernels and noted for its pleasant roasted flavor. It was fun to see few grains of the rice pop during the roasting process and resemble popcorn. Mr Tanaka also grilled sweet potato, one of the most popular snacks in Japan!

 make genmaicha tea

genmaicha tea time

Farm tour

Finally, Mr. Tanaka took me on a tour of the farm. I saw tea and rice fields, the warehouse, and the animals (dogs, chickens, goats, wild boars, bees). It was awesome to discover the backstage of a Japanese self-sufficient farm! I was invited to pick-up shiitakes mushrooms, and go back home with a big bag for myself. The Tanakas also offered me several green tea bags from their production and some homemade miso paste – very generous!

tea factory at Tanakas

Goats in farm house

I definitely recommend this experience to all curious persons!

How to Make a Reservation for the Farm stay?

  • Online Booking through:
  • Click on “Inquiry Form of Farm Stay” to fill in the form (name, date, number of participants, preferences, etc.) and confirm it.
  • For the details, please refer to “Information About Farm Stay”.

If you wish, please make a reservation no later than 14 days prior to your stay.


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Mathilde Heidary

Mathilde Heidary

Hello ! My name is Mathilde, I'm French. I left Paris in March 2016 for 1 year of traveling through Japan (thanks to the Working-Holiday Visa). On the agenda: discovery of the most secret little spots of Japan. Follow the guide!

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